Biden Says ‘I Like Kids Better Than People’ After Hugging Child Maskless, While Hecklers Nearby Shout ‘F*** Joe Biden’

Joe Biden’s presidency is no day at the playground. On Friday, however, it actually was.

While in Hartford, Connecticut, the maskless President of the United States was out hugging kids on playgrounds and uttering creepy phrases like, “I like kids better than people.”

“I like kids better than people,” Biden said Friday in Connecticut while nearby protesters shouted, “F–k Joe Biden.”

“A scene emblematic of our times,” a NY Times reporter noted. “As children and teachers waited to welcome Biden at this childcare center in Connecticut, dozens of protesters standing just outside within earshot screamed ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ and ‘Ban Title 42.’ Title 42 is a COVID-19 policy that expedites the deportation of people who illegally enter the US.

During Biden’s speech in Hartford, he mentioned telling folks about his preference for children.

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