Open Borders Biden Admin Lost Track of 45,000 Illegal Immigrant Minors!

According to a shocking report from Axios, the Biden Administration has lost track of 45,000 illegal immigrant minors. A minor, in this context, is defined by DHS as “a child who is under the age of 18 and not accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.”

Axios’s report, based on a Freedom of Information Act request, claims that of the ~114,000 illegal immigrant minors that have been apprehended so far this year ~40%, or ~45,000 people, can’t be reached by HHS.

However, that figure is only an extrapolation based on what data is currently available. Axios claims that “During the first five months of the year, care providers made 14,600 required calls to check in with migrant minors released from shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services…In 4,890 of those instances, workers were unable to reach either the migrant or the sponsor.”

So, in 37% of cases where Health and Human Services attempted to check-in, the minors could not be contacted. From that data, it is inferred that a similar percentage, about 40%, cannot be contacted.

As Fox reports, “roughly on-in-three calls made to migrant children who had been released to their sponsors between January and May of this year went unanswered, suggesting the United States is not adequately protecting those children from harm.

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