Communist China Slams Biden’s Taiwan Invite To Democracy Summit; Threatens ‘Those Who Play With Fire Get Burned’

Under former President Donald J. Trump, nations who were opposed to the USA, including Communists like China, understood they were not considered friends nor trusted allies.

After Mr. Trump met with and reset their nation’s relationship, North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, threats against the U.S. dropped to propaganda pieces inside their sealed-up borders.

Even prior to Joe Biden becoming the 46th President of the United States, the Biden crime syndicate had a history of doing business with the CPP.

Since taking office, President Biden has relaxed some Trump restrictions while continuing his decades-old insistence that China is not our enemy and that a strong China is a good thing.

Emboldened through its relationship with the compromised U.S. President, China (Chinese Communist Party – CCP) on Wednesday aggressively re-acted to President Joe Biden’s inclusion of democratic Taiwan in his forthcoming online democracy summit, with no invitation extended to Beijing while fining Taiwanese companies that have donated to the island’s “secessionist” Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

“China firmly opposes the U.S.’s invitation to the Taiwan authorities to participate in the so-called Democracy Summit,” foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a regular media briefing in Beijing.

“We solemnly urge the U.S. to … stop providing a platform to “Taiwan independence” forces,” Zhao said, adding: “Those who play with fire get burned.”

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