Biden Regime Quietly Tells Federal Agencies to Suspend Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate For Federal Workers Until After Holidays

Even with the ‘recent discovery’ of a new Covid-19 strain that is supposedly “a variant of concern” according to the WHO, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget is telling federal agencies behind the scenes that they should refrain from suspending or firing federal workers who have not complied with Biden’s authoritarian vaccine mandate until the holidays are over.

According to a memo obtained by ABC News, the enforcement delay should last for the next 6 weeks, which would allow federal workers to keep their jobs until sometime in January. The new policy has not yet been publicly announced and comes at the same time the Biden regime is using the federal government to compel private employers to adopt and enforce vaccine mandates of their own – especially with the advent of the ‘newly discovered’ Covid variant Omicron. 

From ABC News:

“This change, which has not yet been publicly announced, comes as Joe Biden is putting pressure on private employers to embrace their own vaccine mandates.

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Ninety-two percent of federal workers have already had at least one vaccine dose, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The federal workforce’s compliance rate stands at 96.5%, meaning employees have had at least one vaccine dose or have a pending or approved exception or extension request.”

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow me on his website ETTALKSHOW, MAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter

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