Oh No, Basement Joe! Three International Crises Unfolding | Russia, China, Iran

Reported On The Eric Thompson Show

For those who are already struggling with President Joe Biden’s poor performance domestically, the news that 3 of our international adversaries are all making their moves, apparently not fearing any reprisals from the U.S.A., is concerning, to say the least.

A potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, China’s increasing focus and aggressive towards Taiwan, and tense Iran nuclear talks represent a perilous moment for President Biden

It’s impossible to know what the dictators in Russia, China, and Iran are thinking, but with a weak man now sitting in the Oval Office, it is very possible they might test Biden incrementally trying to gain some ground they lost under former President Trump.

The most immediate is the possibility of an outright Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is building a force near Ukraine’s border that American analysts expect will total 175,000 troops, giving him the capability for a potential invasion of his neighbor by early next year.

Mr. Biden is scheduled to speak with Mr. Putin on Tuesday, and the American president has said he has assembled a plan to respond forcefully to any Russian move. Unlike former President Trump, any response from Biden will likely come in the form of economic sanctions rather than military action.

The Chinese threat to Taiwan marches on but it seems unlikely Chinese President Xi Jinping will pull the trigger until after the upcoming Olympics.  President Jinping is the latest Chinese leader to make it clear that he intends to put Taiwan under Beijing’s control, and he has made it clear he wants that to happen on his watch.

Iran has taken a belligerent stand in its negotiations with the Biden administration.

When combined with stepped-up uranium enrichment, it suggests they are determined to at least reach the threshold of acquiring a nuclear weapon.

The U.S. might even decide it has to accept Iran’s inevitable development of a nuclear arsenal  —Israel likely will not, almost ensuring airstrikes from the Isreal Air Force.

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow me on his website ETTALKSHOWMAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter.  

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