Collapsing Kamala. VP Says She Would Get Better News Coverage If She Was A White Man. Oh, Like Trump?

Former President Donald J. Trump is a proud, white man, who has been pounded on and lied about, by the mainstream media, starting in 2015 to the current. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who is also a white man, has also been taking hits from the media during the same time period.

Yet in spite of all of the abuse these men are taking, Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly complaining about the news coverage surrounding her performance as the Vice President, citing her race and gender.

According to a piece by The New York Times, Harris has been privately complaining to her allies that the media’s coverage of her would be better if she were any of her 48 White male predecessors, and has reportedly confided in them about the difficulties she’s facing with her assigned portfolio from the White House.

The Times’ piece, which focused on Harris’ struggle to “define herself” within the Biden White House, noted that she held no “headlining role” when it came to some of the administration’s most difficult decisions and that she was caught between criticism that she wasn’t performing the job well and resentment from supporters that she was being “undercut” by the West Wing.

In reality, VP Harris has been given the responsibility for some highly publicized issues such as fixing the massive immigration invasion on the southern border. Instead of jumping in headlong, she declined to visit the border and hold open discussions with the U.S. Border Patrol and ICE, further discrediting her ability to do her job.

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