Ouch Sleepy Joe! Biden Is Polling Worse Than Harris, Fauci, Blinken, And Pelosi!

Joe Biden has never been the most popular politician on Capitol Hill, which is confirmed in his low polling numbers coming out with voters being asked to evaluate our nation’s Chief Executive Officer’s job performance.

President Biden’s dismal job approval rating just sunk below his top deputies including Vice President Kamala Harris and Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, a poll for the 79-year-old commander-in-chief and his team revealed Monday.

With his embarrassing low 43 percent approval rating, Biden is the ninth-highest ranked out of 11 federal leaders, according to a Gallup poll assessing national leadership for 2021 decided.

However, on a positive note for basement Joe, his presidential disapproval rating of 51 percent is lower than Harris’ 54-point negative job rating, as the negative polling just keeps on coming for the increasingly embattled Biden White House.

Americans’ impressions of the bottom four ranking figures are decidedly more negative:

The slight majority of adults disapprove of the jobs Vice President Kamala Harris (54 percent) and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (53 percent) are doing, while 44 percent approve of each. Harris’ approval rating is on par with President Joe Biden’s 43 percent in the same poll. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is viewed slightly more negatively than Harris and Biden, with 58 percent disapproving and 40 percent approving. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell receives the worst ratings of the 11 measured, with 63 percent disapproving and 34 percent approving.

Harris’ approval rating has declined from 49 percent since September; at the same time, Biden’s has been steady at 43 percent. Her disapproval rating has increased from 49 percent to 54 percent.

Hopefully, in 2024, Biden along with Harris, Fauci, Blinken, And Pelosi are all gone, with most Americans opening the door for their quick departures.

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow Eric on his website ETTALKSHOW, and social media platforms, MAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter.  

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