China Directly THREATENS America — Says U.S. Will Pay “Unbearable Price” Over Taiwan

The Chinese (and probably a few anarchists like Fauci) are directly responsible for plaguing the entire world with covid-19. Every single illness, hospitalization and death is on them, whether or not that’s what the mainstream media wants people to believe.

If they were honest, the Chinese Communist Party would pay restitution to every person within every country for interfering with all of our livelihoods.

But that will never happen. And with a “leader” like Joe Biden at the helm, the issue won’t be pressed.

Here’s yet another example of China thinking it can take on the United States in a head-to-head matchup.

From New York Post:

China’s foreign minister has warned the US will pay an “unbearable price” for​ its support of Taiwan. ​

In an interview with state media Thursday, Wang Yi accused Washington of “encouraging ‘Taiwan independence’ forces” in a way that “not only puts Taiwan into an extremely dangerous situation but also exposes the United States to an unbearable price​.”

Taiwan has been a self-ruling nation since the defeated government of Chiang Kai-shek fled there after mainland China was taken over by Mao Zedong’s Communists in 1949.

Beijing considers the island part of its territory​ and has ​called for reunification.

We know the spread of covid would’ve been far less dramatic had China warned the world a little bit sooner. Instead, the commies are doing everything possible to place the blame on America.

A report was released showing how Taiwan warned the World Health Organization (WHO) of the virus months before it became such a big problem, but nothing ever came of it.

WHO was forced to admit that they messed up big time.

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