Donald Trump Recaps Disastrous Biden Presidency with Breathtaking List of Documented Failures

The Biden presidency is a disaster. But it takes a former president to truly reveal just how much a disaster it really is.

That is what Donald Trump did on Thursday with a breathtaking list of failures of the Biden presidency… so far. Here it is in full:

In one year, Biden has caused a border crisis, an energy crisis, an inflation crisis, a labor crisis, a supply chain crisis, and a violent crime crisis—all while pushing the most radical left-wing agenda in history.

THE MOST ANTI-WORKER, ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-AMERICA PRESIDENT EVER: Joe Biden inherited the most secure border in history, the fastest economic recovery on record, historically low gas prices, hard-won American Energy Independence, a domestic manufacturing renaissance, and a nation poised to flourish like never before—all thanks to the America-First agenda of President Trump. It took less than 12 months for Biden and the extremists in his party to turn it all into crisis, chaos, misery, and woe. It’s no wonder Biden is ending his first year with his approval ratings tanking to an all-time record low.

Even the media cannot cover up his dismal record of unrelenting failure:

  • Inflation is the highest in nearly 40 years—decimating the wages and incomes of hardworking Americans.
  • Gas prices have risen nearly 50% from one year ago.
  • America’s southern border is GONE—with 2+ million illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year—the most ever recorded by far.
  • Democrat-run cities across the country are hitting ALL-TIME HIGHS in murders and violent crime.
  • Mass smash-and-grab robberies and lootings are taking place in cities and suburbs nationwide.
  • Biden is pushing $5+ TRILLION in socialist spending bills crammed with nation-wrecking left-wing lunacy.
  • Biden’s Radical Democrat Party is forcing CRT into our children’s schools, shoving male athletes onto women’s sports teams, pushing woke racism into our military, tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson, desecrating our history, dismantling basic election-integrity measures, and breaking decades of precedent to use taxpayer dollars to fund late-term abortion and infanticide.

It’s all happening exactly as President Trump predicted. Joe Biden is a DISASTER.

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Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show.

Follow Eric on his website ETTALKSHOW, and social media platforms, MAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter.   

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