Time To Deport! Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born in 2021, Outpacing U.S. Births in 49 States

Illegal aliens, tourists, and foreign visa workers delivered nearly 400,000 children in the United States over the last 12 months, prior analysis concludes, securing birthright American citizenship.

The analysis, published in 2018 by the Center for Immigration Studies, states that close to 400,000 “anchor babies,” the term used to describe the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens, are delivered across all 50 states each year.

Anchor babies are rewarded with birthright American citizenship despite their parents having no legitimate ties to the U.S., many having only recently arrived. Years later, when the child is considered an adult, they can sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards — anchoring their family in the U.S. for generations.

Specifically, about 300,000 anchor babies are delivered to illegal alien parents every year. In addition, about 72,000 anchor babies are delivered to foreign tourists, foreign visa workers, and foreign students annually.

That total, at about 372,000 anchor babies born each year, outpaces the total number of births in 49 states, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics.

Only the state of California, with nearly 420,000 births in 2020, exceeds the number of anchor babies born each year. The number of births in Texas, at about 366,000 in 2020, is now less than the annual number of anchor babies born in the U.S.

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By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show.

Follow Eric on his website ETTALKSHOW, and social media platforms, MAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter.   

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