Donald Trump’s Truth Social – Uncensored Conservatives’ Reach Destroys Twitter

Just The News Is Reporting

Examples explode of exact same message getting far more engagement on new platform than on legacy social giant.

Radio host and TV commentator Dan Bongino built an army-sized following over the years on Twitter, with 2.4 million fans. In a few short weeks, he’s attracted about a tenth of the same following on President Trump’s nascent Truth Social platform.

But with millions fewer users and hundreds of thousands fewer followers, Bongino’s Truth Social account — like those of scores of other conservative stars — is creating substantially more engagement on posts than his long-time audience on Twitter.

Thursday afforded the latest example. Bongino sent the same message out on both platforms to alert audience to his latest video podcast.

“Panic Breaks Out Over The Ukraine Bio-Labs Story,” Bongino wrote on both platforms.

His giant Twitter audience created 554 likes and 185 retweets as of 7 p.m. EDT on Thursday. In contrast, his smaller sized audience on Truth Social tripled the engagement with 1,550 likes and 488 “re-truths.”

“The traffic to the site and to the show is off the chart,” Bongino told Just the News in an interview Thursday about Truth Social. “The engagement is extraordinary right now.”

He also slammed mainstream media reports suggesting Truth Social was off to a slow start, saying such reports are disproven by engagement charts of its top users and belong in the same discredited trash heap of journalism as Russia collusion stories.

“A handful of liberal reporters get an account on Truth, can’t attract any followers because no one wants to hear them, and then they report it isn’t working,” he said. “It’s ridiculous journalism.”

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