LOL: Leftwing Corporate Media Concerned About “Rise Of White Nationalist Hispanics

An article featured prominently on Yahoo! News blared the seemingly oxymoronic, and simply utterly moronic, headline of “The rise of white nationalist Hispanics.” Have stupid, evil media interests found company for George Zimmerman? Apparently.

In a world where Clarence Thomas is ignored during Black History Month and blacks aren’t black unless they vote (and by extension, think) a certain way, it is certainly possible that people born of and living a fully Hispanic heritage could simultaneously be considered white supremacists. It’s all insane but it’s happening.

Yahoo! began its story this way:

“Nick Fuentes, identified as a “white supremacist” in Justice Department filings, made headlines last week for hosting a white nationalist conference in Florida. His father is also half Mexican American…

Fuentes is part of a small but increasingly visible number of far-right provocateurs with Hispanic backgrounds who spread racist, antisemitic messages.”

Count on the same people who describe race as merely a social construct to go out of their way constructing someone else’s race for them in order to fit a neatly packaged narrative. Not only does the media not need to be involved in determining someone’s racial makeup – you are what you are and it is simply impossible to assign a new race – but the story goes on to make further outlandish and reprehensible claims. It writes, quoting an “expert” on the matter:

“Racism is deeply rooted in Latin American and Caribbean nations, where slavery was common, Tanya K. Hernández, a Fordham University law professor and author of the upcoming book, “Racial Innocence: Unmasking Latino Anti-Black Bias,” told Axios. “In Latin America, white supremacy is alive and well.””

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