Conservative Leaders Rally Around Senator Rick Scott’s ’11-Point Plan to Rescue America’

Conservative leaders are rallying around National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Rick Scott’s (R-FL) “11-Point Plan to Rescue America.”

Eighty-eight conservative leaders from the Conservative Action Project signed a memo supporting Scott’s plan titled “Conservatives Applaud Sen. Rick Scott’s Plan to Rescue America.”

The memo said:

Politicians should tell voters what they are for, what they plan to do, and then they have to do it. This is the clarity – and the accountability – that voters want to see from their elected leaders. Conservatives should be talking about our ideas as much, if not more, than we talk about Democratic missteps and overreach. While not everyone will agree with every parameter of Sen. Scott’s agenda, he should be applauded for his willingness to step up to the plate and to lead. More elected leaders should be following his example.

The memo also condemned Scott’s Republican colleagues in the U.S. Senate who have attacked Scott for proposing his plan. “However, according to reports, Sen. Scott has been attacked by his own colleagues for leading where they have not,” the memo said.

“We condemn such attacks. The conservative movement has long asked for the type of visionary leadership that Sen. Scott has exhibited. We are proud to stand with him and urge more Senate leaders to follow his example.”

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently spoke out against Scott’s 11-point plan. “If we’re fortunate enough to have the majority next year, I’ll be the majority leader. I’ll decide in consultation with my members what to put on the floor,” McConnell said.

McConnell added:

Let me tell you what would not be a part of our agenda. We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half of the American people, and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within 5 years. That will not be part of the Republican Senate majority agenda. We will focus instead on what the American people are concerned about: inflation, defense, energy, the border and crime

The contract for America worked out well for the GOP under Speaker Gingrich, let’s give Scott’s plan a chance too.

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