11 Times Joe Biden Was Involved in Family’s Corrupt Business Dealings

President Joe Biden has brazenly claimed over and over again to have no knowledge of his family’s corrupt business dealings for which his son Hunter is under investigation by the FBI for tax fraud, money laundering, and the violation of lobbying laws.

The White House has also insisted Biden never spoke to Hunter about his intertwined business dealings, though evidence of the Biden family business suggests otherwise.

  1. In 2013, Hunter traveled to China with his father aboard Air Force Two. Before the trip ended, Hunter introduced Joe Biden to his Chinese business partner. Just ten days later, China issued Hunter’s firm a business license and the firm won a contract worth $1 billion.
  2. In 2014, photos show Joe Biden meeting with Hunter’s Mexican business associates, billionaire Miguel Alemán Velasco and his son Miguel Aleman Magnani, in the vice president’s office.
  3. In 2014, a photo shows Joe Biden golfing with his son Hunter and Devon Archer, Hunter’s fellow board member for Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Archer is now in prison for fraud. 
  4. In 2015, Hunter brought Joe Biden to dinner with his business associates from Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Joe Biden was vice president at the time.

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