Confused Biden Shakes Hands With ‘Thin Air’ Before Wandering Aimlessly

President Joe Biden looked lost again Thursday after finishing a speech on the nation’s ongoing supply chain crisis when he turned around and stuck his hand out as if to shake hands – but there was no one else on stage.

The 79-year-old president claimed before the handshake fiasco that he had served as a ‘full professor’ at the University of Pennsylvania despite never teaching a class at the school, in yet another gaffe that has Republicans questioning Biden’s cognitive abilities.

Last week, Biden looked disoriented during an event that saw former President Barack Obama visit the White House for the first time since leaving office.

COMMENTARYEricApril 15, 2022

Confused Biden Shakes Hands With ‘Thin Air’ Before Wandering Aimlessly

Confused Biden Shakes Hands With ‘Thin Air’ Before Wandering Aimlessly


President Joe Biden looked lost again Thursday after finishing a speech on the nation’s ongoing supply chain crisis when he turned around and stuck his hand out as if to shake hands – but there was no one else on stage.

The 79-year-old president claimed before the handshake fiasco that he had served as a ‘full professor’ at the University of Pennsylvania despite never teaching a class at the school, in yet another gaffe that has Republicans questioning Biden’s cognitive abilities.

Last week, Biden looked disoriented during an event that saw former President Barack Obama visit the White House for the first time since leaving office.

While at a campaign event in Georgetown, South Carolina on Thursday, he literally shook hands with thin air.


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