Secret Service Agents Expose Details About Biden’s Dog Biting Them

A year ago there were several reports about Biden’s dog Major biting Secret Service agents but most of the details about the severity of the bite were covered up by the White House.

Well, now Secret Service agents are opening up about how vicious the bites really were.

After Biden’s dog Major bit agents on 8 straight days, Secret Service leaders attempted to keep assault specifics out of official papers, at one time rejecting an agent’s “excessively detailed” testimony in order to avoid upsetting the first family.

Records obtained in response to a FOIA complaint filed by Judicial Watch reveal that the attacks took place both earlier and later than previously thought, according to the organization.

They also reveal internal divisions within the Secret Service, which was embroiled in a peculiar infiltration controversy involving at least four agents since last week.

At a news briefing on March 9, 2021, White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted only one biting incident, stating that “the first family’s youngest dog, Major, was shocked by an unfamiliar person and responded in a manner that resulted in a slight damage to the person” the day before.

The New York Post reported these key details about the bites by Major.

The March 8 bite actually was the final attack in an eight-day streak and the injured agent — whose injuries were categorized as “severe” by a colleague — fumed about Psaki’s spin.

“NO I didn’t surprise the dog doing my job by being at [redacted] as the press secretary just said! Now I’m pissed,” the agent wrote to a co-worker.

The colleague replied, “SMH. .. hope you didn’t get hurt to [sic] bad.”

Another message written by an unknown Secret Service employee refers to photos of the bite area and said the “injury cannot be described in any other term than ‘severe.’”

The incident occurred at about 7 a.m. March 8 as the agent was in the second-floor White House residential area with first lady Jill Biden.

“Without warning or provocation, Major barked loudly at [the agent] … and charged” is how a newly released, heavily redacted incident report describes what happened.

Just another story of Joe Biden, and those associated with him, hurting everyone around them.

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