Thanks, Biden! 221,303 Illegal Alien Border Apprehensions in March – And It’s Only Going to Get Worse

A new record 221,203 illegal alien apprehensions were recorded in March. This was a new record.

If Title 42 is eventually lifted the numbers could double.

This appears to be part of the left’s plan to deconstruct the United States.

Their plan is to get enough illegals distributed around the U.S., who are given amnesty. These new Americans would then be expected to reciprocate the favor by voting for Constitutional amendments, ending our Constitutional Republic.

Title 42 was used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum during the Covid pandemic.

Border Patrol agents encountered nearly 2 million illegals in 2021.

Law enforcement has already encountered 1 million illegals in 2022 and we are barely 3 months into the year.

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