Doctor Confirms Unborn Babies are Human Beings With Beating Hearts: “This is Science”

The mainstream media bias on abortion has gone from bad to worse in recent years as reporters now ignore or deny well-established science that conflicts with the pro-abortion agenda, two pro-life doctors told Fox News this week.

They are reporting “political rhetoric,” not facts, said Dr. Tara Sander Lee, a scientist, and researcher at the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

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Sander Lee pointed to a series of articles by the New York Times and other major news outlets recently that questioned if an unborn baby really has a heartbeat at six weeks of pregnancy.

“If the New York Times needs 1,800 words in an attempt to convince readers that a baby’s developing organ which pumps blood isn’t actually a heart, then the pro-life movement is winning,” she told Fox News Digital.

She said the heart is the first organ that forms and begins functioning in the human body, and the first heartbeat occurs about 23 days after fertilization.

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“The fetal heartbeats rhythmically starting the sixth week of pregnancy, with an average heart rate of 100 beats per minute,” Sander Lee said. “This is science. What media outlets like the New York Times publishes about abortion is too often political rhetoric.”

The New York Times, NPR, Associated Press and others began casting doubt on these widely-established facts about human development as states began passing laws to ban abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy.

Despite the media bias and pro-abortion groups’ loud and continuous fear-mongering, however, polls show public support for heartbeat laws. This is causing panic among abortion activists, and their friends in the media seem to be ramping up their efforts to help sway public opinion.

This includes hiding the violence of abortion from the public, said Dr. Christina Francis, a pro-life OB-GYN with the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

“Very rarely, if ever, is the reality of what happens in an abortion discussed [by the media],” Francis told Fox News Digital. “Abortion is a violent procedure that interrupts the natural process of pregnancy with a single intent: to end the life of a developing human being.”

Often, mainstream news outlets do not even use the word “abortion,” preferring the euphemisms “reproductive healthcare” or “reproductive rights” instead, she continued. And when they do say “abortion,” many news outlets have begun sticking the word “care” next to it, as if killing an unborn baby is somehow health care.

To add credibility to their pro-abortion bias, reporters often quote the American College of OB-GYNs (ACOG) as an expert sources. However, ACOG really is just another pro-abortion group.

Francis told Fox News that ACOG clearly has a pro-abortion “political agenda.” For example, the group suddenly developed an “aversion to the word ‘heartbeat’” after Texas passed its heartbeat law last year, she said.

While pro-abortion groups are highlighted as trusted expert sources in the media, pro-life medical and scientific experts are not.

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