Real Economic Justice- Woke Chickens Come Home to Roost at Disney, Netflix Twitter, CNN

Let’s start with CNN…

For more than a decade, I’ve been telling you CNN’s power is a mirage.

What artificially props CNN up is a left-wing affirmative action program called “cable TV,” where suckers like you continue to pay a fortune every month to cable channels that hate you. That’s how CNN stays in business. It has nothing to do with merit. I also told you that if CNN was ever forced to survive in a real market economy, it could not survive.

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CNN+ was forced to survive in the real market economy and lasted only three weeks.

The Woke Nazis at Twitter have watched their stock drop from $70 per share in July of last year to $33 per share in February. Why? Because it’s a dishonest company run by childish bullies, and this is still America. The Twitter Era is over, and the smart money knows it. You cannot run a company like Twitter runs Twitter. You can’t blacklist the President of the United States and welcome the Taliban and the President of Russia. You can’t have arbitrary censorship rules that sound like a mean little kid making it up as they go along. You can’t interfere in America’s presidential election using lies about a “hacked” laptop when everyone knew it was real.

Netflix had it all… Netflix not only invented the idea of streaming TV but Netflix also figured out what it had before anyone else and immediately borrowed billions of dollars to create exactly what it needed: original content no competitor could take away from them.

In the last six months., Netflix’s stock price has tumbled from $671 to $215. The company is also starting to shred subscribers.

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The fix is easy… Grow up, Netflix, and behave like a studio instead of a mewling gerbil to The Talent. Produce content people actually want to watch. Although it holds all the cards, Netflix is constantly bending over to please The Talent when The Talent is mostly made up of a bunch of self-involved, self-important babies who wouldn’t know the Real World if it kissed them on the mouth.

Disney… A company built on the wonderful idea of preserving and protecting the innocence of children while teaching them healthy values to help them grow into well-adjusted adults. That same Disney just pulled the most self-destructive bait-and-switch in history.

This company is so lacking in self-awareness, so out of touch with the real world, it just stormed out of the closet to out itself as a mob of child predators and groomers determined to sexualize five-year-olds through its content and political action.

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The damage Disney has done to its reputation is permanent. The stock price is plummeting. The era of Disney as a growth company has come to an end. Also, thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), the corporate welfare and sweetheart deals Disney enjoyed have been revoked. No longer can Disney use millions of dollars that should go to taxpayers to defile our children.

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