Sorry, Kamala! Looks Like Joe Had Reservations About Kamala Harris Being VP

According to a new book, both Joe and Jill Biden did not want Kamala Harris to be the Vice President. Jill Biden didn’t want it because of her attacks on Biden during the debates. Joe Biden questioned her past.

From Fox News:

“‘There are millions of people in the United States,’ she began. ‘Why,’ she asked, ‘do we have to choose the one who attacked Joe,’” the authors wrote of a conversation Jill Biden had after she learned Harris became a leading candidate to serve as Biden’s running mate.

Several from Biden’s inner circle, however, supported Harris on the ticket. Ron Klain, now the White House chief of staff, had been tasked with vetting vice presidential candidates and, according to the book, told Biden early on that Harris was most qualified for the job as she had sought the presidency herself.

“Yes, Harris had attacked Biden more harshly than any other major candidate in the Democratic primaries. Yes, the Biden family had seen it as a smear and a betrayal. In Klain’s assessment, that would work to Biden’s advantage,” the book states. “Choosing Harris will show people that you are magnanimous and forgiving, Klain told Biden. It will show the country just what a unifying leader you can be.”

The book also highlights Biden’s own reservations to select Harris as a running mate. Noting her “past romantic relationship with Willie Brown, the former San Francisco mayor who had appointed Harris to a pair of minor political positions,” the book said Biden described the behavior “as the kind of thing that should be off limits.”

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