Lying Adam Schiff Was Involved in Russia Collusion Sham Way Back in July 2016!

Adam Schiff was knee-deep in the Trump Russia collusion sham.  He was involved way back in July 2016.  John Durham just confirmed it.   

Redstate reports:

Durham also derides the claim that Fusion was hired for legal work — calling that a “novel” way to cover up opposition research and the derogatory information that they then spread against President Donald Trump and his team. He says that despite efforts, the parties have failed to provide “meaningful, substantive explanations to support these continuing broad assertions of privilege and/or work product protections.”

A number of emails have been released in Durham’s latest.  One email showed that pencil-neck Adam Schiff was involved in the Russia collusion lie as early as July 2016.

Schiff at a later date released a report on Russia collusion that was all lies. 

Schiff needs to be held to account for his many, many lies.

With a Red Wave in November, this could happen as early as February 2023.

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