Censorship No More? The Political Fallout of Elon Musk Buying Twitter

Billionaire Elon Musk has been highly critical of Twitter’s restrictions on speech. With his purchase of the social media platform and his goal of creating an open and transparent environment, there has been some discussion about the impact this could have on U.S. elections moving forward.

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter is a “huge deal,” according to Hogan Gidley, the former White House spokesman under President Donald Trump.

Members of the media, celebrities, and elected officials are among the most active users, Gidley told Steve Lance, host of NTD’s Capitol Report. This is significant since the left controls the majority of those people or entities, he added.

As a result, when information reaches the platform, you’ll witness “in unison, lockstep ideology of one side of an issue.”

According to a Pew Research Center study, most tweets come from a small group of highly active Twitter users. About 10 percent of Twitter users in the United States account for almost 80 percent of all tweets. These accounts tweet 138 times every month, compared to the median Twitter user that tweets twice a month.

A separate October 2021 Media Research Center report discovered that the Big Tech firms censored far more Republican members of Congress than their Democratic counterparts: 54-to-1.

The announcement of the buyout has outraged the left, Gidley said, not because they could be blocked on Twitter, but because Twitter could refuse to censor those they disagree with.

Gidley feels that social media platforms influenced the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

During the campaign, Twitter took an unprecedented step to block the spread of reports concerning Hunter Biden’s emails due to questions about “the origins of the materials.”

“We couldn’t tweet about it at the campaign. We couldn’t talk about it in our direct messaging. We sure couldn’t do ads on it. Even though we had ads, they wouldn’t run the ads, because they collectively said it was Russian disinformation,” Gidley said.

“I think it’s a serious issue. It has really influenced the outcome of elections. And quite frankly, it is a source of true evil in this country, to rip away the First Amendment freedoms.”

Conservatives cheered the news as they anticipate free speech will be prioritized once again, with the social network expected to abandon censorship measures like shadow banning and permanent bans.

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