GOP Questions DHS Secretary Mayorkas Asking If “Suitable For Office”, Ask Him To Resign

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has shown himself to be a far-left Marxist during his 16 months as the head of DHS.

In conjunction with the Biden White House, Mayorkas has moved quickly to dismantle Trump-era policies. He has stopped the construction of the border wall, has re-instated catch and release, and has directed lower-level employees to assume the responsibility of determining Asylum eligibility, superseding existing regulations assigning that responsibility to judges.

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In response, GOP House leadership is doubling down on their criticism of the Homeland Security Secretary as the crisis at the border escalates, and questioning his suitability for office – just as the U.S. is facing yet another potential surge in migrants at the southern border.

“We write to address your actions to dismantle the security of our nation’s southern border and disregard for the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws,” the more than 130 Republicans, led by Border Security Caucus co-chair Brian Babin, R-Texas., and Republican Study Committee Chair Jim Banks, say in a letter to Mayorkas, obtained by Fox News Digital.

Signers of the letter include Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, Republican Whip Steve Scalise, and House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik.

“Your actions have willingly endangered American citizens, undermined the rule of law and our nation’s sovereignty,” they write. “Your failure to secure the border and enforce the laws passed by Congress raises grave questions about your suitability for office.”

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Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., also has repeated his calls for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign his post amid a crisis at the southern border Wednesday, calling his leadership a failure.

“This disaster we have at our southern border, this disintegration of our sovereignty, cannot be sustained. Anyone who has two brain cells that perhaps would bump into each other would know that it’s abject failure down there,” Higgins told Mayorkas, who testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security about the department’s budget request for 2023.

Higgins asked what it would take for Mayorkas to recognize he had personally failed in border management — whether it would take border crossings and “gotaways” doubling, or a “crime rate tripled instead of doubled?”

“How would you identify failure if it’s not what you’ve delivered so far? My God man, own the moment,” Higgins said.

Mayorkas was mostly silent during Higgins’ remarks, including when Higgins threatened to impeach Mayorkas if Republicans win the majority of the House in the November midterm elections.

“You have been called upon to resign by myself and others. Next year, if we have the majority, which we shall, you will face impeachment. I ask you as a man, own this thing,” Higgins said.

“Please feel my spirit and speak truthfully, step away from your talking points and speak to the American people and own this thing. We’re losing our country down there and need you to resign. Save the country the pain of your impeachment.”

By: Eric Thompson, editor of Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook

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