Tucker Carlson Responds to NY Times Hit Piece With a Single Photo That Goes Viral

Tucker Carlson Responds to NY Times Hit Piece With a Single Photo That Goes Viral

Tucker Carlson is having a great laugh after The New York Times published a 20,000-word hit job story on the ratings leader, slamming him as a “racist nationalist.” I think the word “racist” precedes every leftist trashing of a non-leftist they hate.

Carlson tweeted out a photo of himself on Sunday that went viral where he is seen cheerfully laughing while brandishing the Times’ “bombshell” front-page story on the Fox News host.

The article was part of an unsympathetic, four-part series hit piece on Carlson titled “American Nationalist.” I don’t think the editors at the Times understand that being a nationalist is a good thing. It means you love your country.

Looking at the photo, you can just hear the Fox News host’s big laugh he gives off on many episodes of his Fox News show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” when laughing at the silliness of liberals.

Carlson laughed at the Times’ hit job piece the same way he does at all the leftist crybabies who destroy their own credibility by trying to stand up to the ratings giant. Leftist critics do not like the way Carlson shines a light on their goofy antics and the horrible policies they support that are destroying America. The natural inclination for authoritarians is to censor the opposition, but try as they may, they can’t seem to silence him.

The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and many other corporate media outlets have destroyed what little credibility they had left by producing Marxist propaganda and trying to pull it off like it’s real journalism.

Some users on Twitter chimed in with responses to Carlson’s laughing tweet.

Former Florida Congressman, Trey Radel hit the nail right on the head.

“Maybe 15-20 years ago, someone smeared like this by the NYT would’ve had their career & life destroyed. Today, it’s a badge of honor because the Times’ staff has so clearly shown their job is to be PR foot soldiers and character assassins for democrats. What a pathetic rag.”

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