Writers Guild Suggests Hollywood Abandon Productions in Pro-Life States

Writers Guild of America East council union suggested that TV and movie productions halt business in pro-life states in the wake of the leak of the U.S. Supreme court’s draft opinion that would overturn the 1973 landmark abortion ruling, Roe v. Wade.

On May 5, the Writers Guild of America East council put out a statement insisting that it “condemns the leaked draft” and “reaffirms our commitment to defending all of our members from inequality and discrimination,” Deadline reported.

“It is our duty to protect workers’ access to quality medical care including reproductive healthcare, in and out of the workplace,” how having an abortion is a function of a TV or movie production’s “workplace,” the group did not say.

The union exclaimed that “fundamental rights” are at risk and then included “marriage equality,” and “legal birth control” despite that there is no threat to at all to either of those issues.

WGA West supported its eastern wing with a statement reading, “Women’s rights are human rights, and any laws that ban or limit a woman’s right to choose are dangerous and set a precedent for further erosion of our collective civil rights.”

The union didn’t detail how an “erosion of our collective rights” could come out of the SCOTUS draft opinion, which specifically states that the ruling cannot be used to justify an attack on any other rights and pertains solely to Roe.

It seems unlikely that a Hollywood ban on doing business in any state that has pro-life laws in place will work in the long run. Elitist Hollywood leftists have been trying to get film and TV productions to boycott the state of Georgia for years. And while some productions have avoided the Peach State, most have continued their association with Georgia’s film industry.

In fact, these same two writer’s unions threatened boycotts of Georgia over its “heartbeat” abortion law, all to little effect.


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