Disinformation Chief Jankowicz Defended Hunter’s Corrupt Burisma Deals 

President Biden’s DHS disinformation chief Nina Jankowicz defended Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with Burisma Holdings during a July 2020 book interview — calling the Biden scion, known for crack addiction and selling influence, a “foreign expert.”

Hunter sat on the board of the Ukrainian Burisma Holdings company from 2014 to 2019, while Joe Biden was vice president and campaigned for president during the 2020 election cycle. Hunter was compensated $83,000 per month as a board director, which raises questions if Hunter was selling influence to his father in the Obama administration.

Joe Biden and his staff have denied at least seven times that Biden has been involved in his son’s dealings. But evidence shows Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business affairs at least eleven times.

Yet Jankowicz claimed Hunter’s business scheme was legitimate and no cause for alarm.

She spoke to BuzzFeed News reporter Jane Lytvynenk. Comments begin at the 42:23 mark in the video below:

The accusation is that Hunter Biden, in serving on the board of a Ukrainian company, which you know he is allowed to do, he was not the only foreign expert serving on the board of a Ukrainian company, was involved in some corrupt behavior of that company. This company has been investigated for a long time. Burisma is the name of the company. There’s never been any indication that Hunter Biden was involved in anything untoward. There are questions about whether he should have taken that board appointment given his father’s role as, you know, the Obama administration’s main emissary to Ukraine, but that’s not necessarily something that Joe Biden has control over. It certainly has nothing to do with Joe Biden’s policies toward Ukraine.

And this has, you know, spun into a whole other host of nonsense basically that Joe Biden withheld aid to Ukraine in order to get a resolution to this investigation into Burisma and get his son out of the limelight. It’s just, it’s a load of nonsense. The investigation that is in question was closed at the time that Biden was kind of doing a carrot and stick routine which many diplomats do related to Ukraine in order to get some some financial reforms through and anti-corruption reforms. And there’s a whole host of other allegations that just don’t even bear repeating.

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