Dr. Fauci Melts Down at Congressional Hearing

Dr. Anthony Fauci was among the public health officials called before Congress to testify on the Fiscal Year 2003 budget request for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

When Fauci started getting heat for his disastrous track record, he fired back at his critics. Watch:

Rep. Cline, after pointing out that Dr. Francis Collins, the former NIH director, had called the GBD signatories “fringe” scientists,  pointed out that this criticism was proven to be “baseless.”

“So, I’ll ask you on what basis did you and Dr. Collins identify these doctors, the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration as fringe scientists out of the mainstream of epidemiological science?” Cline asked.

“I never characterized them as fringe scientists,” Fauci objected. “If you look at the record, that’s incorrect.”

“Dr. Collins, did you refer…” Cline began.

“Well? I’m, I’m, I’m… you’re asking me the question,” Fauci said. “I never called them fringe scientists.”

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