WATCH: Biden Not Radical Enough For Students

Campus Reform Reporter Alexa Schwerha asked students at the University of Maryland their opinion on President Biden’s first term.

Students responded that Biden was not “radical” enough for the policies supported by young Americans.

A recent Harvard poll found that 56% of young Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden.

Campus Reform Reporter Alexa Schwerha went to the University of Maryland to talk to students to find out why the youth vote is pulling their support.

“He’s just not as extreme as some students may want him to be,” one student responded.

Another student put it simply, stating that Biden doesn’t represent the views held by the younger generation.

“Most Young Americans don’t actually like Biden. Biden is a democrat. More young Americans are leftists, they’re becoming more radicalized,” she said.

[RELATED: WATCH: Students disaffected with Biden ahead of the State of the Union]

Main concerns about the Biden administration shared by the students included lack of action on student loan forgiveness, the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade, and the President’s age.

“I think we all were expecting a little more,” one student admitted. “I’m kind [of] confused what’s going on.”

“There were a lot of promises made that just aren’t turning out,” she continued.

Another student admitted that the administration has not met the standard of change that the youth was looking for during the 2020 election.

“We definitely wanted to see a lot of change,” she said. “People expected a lot more, like maybe even a woman.”

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