Biden Gaslights Anti-Gun Culture Using Mass Shooting

On Tuesday President Joe Biden tried to connect the racist mass shooting in Buffalo on Saturday to the election protests of Trump supporters on January 6th. The president called for all Americans to “reject white supremacy” because they were making the country look bad.

Biden described the murder of 10 people at a Buffalo grocery store as “terrorism” after visiting the crime scene and meeting with the victims’ families amid fresh demands that he enact sweeping new gun control and hate crime legislation.

“What happened here is simple and straightforward: terrorism, terrorism, domestic terrorism — violence inflicted in the service of hate and the vicious thirst for power that defines one group of people being inherently inferior,” the president said during remarks lasting about 15 minutes at a local community center.

As Biden spoke to a crowd, including relatives of some of the victims, gathered across the street.

As someone who is increasingly more cynical about the press, the unusually large “impromptu crowd”, sharing anti-gun ideology with the reporters who approached them for comment, leads me to question the motives of those outside the family members of the victims.

“We would like the president to pass a law that protects black people from hate crimes. Until something like this happens, it’s a slap in the face to see him pass bills for other Americans,” 45-year-old Antonia Wynter of Rochester told The Post.

“We didn’t come up for a photo op to see his wrinkly ass,” she fumed. “We came up to see a bill passed.”

“We can’t allow them to distort America. The real America,” Biden said, referring to the white supremacists. “We can’t allow them to destroy the soul of the nation.”

Biden then immediately referred to January 6th.

“As president of the United States, I travel the world all the time. And other nations ask me, heads of state in other countries ask me, what’s going on? What in God’s name happened on January 6th? What happened in Buffalo,” Biden said.

The president demanded that Americans condemn white supremacy, insisting that silence about the issue was “compliance.”

“We have to refuse to live in a country where black people going about a weekly grocery shopping can be gunned down by weapons of war, deployed in a racist cause,” he said.

Biden indicated that white supremacists were acting out of a type of misguided patriotism, a social justice talking point.

“Look, the American experiment in democracy is in a danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime. It’s in danger this hour,” he said. “Hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America. But who don’t understand America.”

The president also proposed doing more to prevent evil content from spreading on the Internet.

“We can address the relentless exploitation of the Internet to recruit and mobilize terrorism,” he said. “We just need to have the courage to do that. To stand up.”

The problem with ideas in Biden’s talking points is they wouldn’t reduce gun violence nor online racism.

Tough gun laws have not slowed gun violence in cities like Chicago or New York City.

Social media platforms, including Facebook, have spent billions of dollars in increasing their Artificial Intelligence monitoring of their user’s posts, and have added thousands of human editors who also monitor and delete questionable posts yet racist posts are still present.

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