Unseen Hero: As Cops Let Shooter Terrorize School, 1 Mom Sneaked in, Rescued Her Kids, Got Out Without Shooter Knowing

As the media’s attention turns to police officers who stood outside a school in Uvalde, Texas, and refused to enter while a mass shooter killed 21 people on Tuesday, a mother is being hailed as a hero for going into the school to rescue her two children as the carnage unfolded.

According to a report in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, Angeli Rose Gomez said she drove 40 miles to get her children at Robb Elementary School, where they’re in second and third grade, respectively.

Having found that police hadn’t entered the school, Gomez said she implored them to do something, was put in handcuffs by U.S. marshals, then convinced local police to get her freed.


After that, she jumped the school fence, ran inside the school, and escaped with her children, according to reports.

Before that, however, parents and onlookers pleaded with police to enter the building.

Javier Cazares, whose daughter Jacklyn was killed in the attack, said he had brought up the idea of charging into the school with other bystanders because police refused to.

“Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,” Cazares said, according to The Associated Press. “More could have been done. They were unprepared.”

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