Poll: Plurality of Voters Blame Mental Health Issues for Mass Shootings

A plurality of voters blame mental health issues for mass shootings committed by young men, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found.

The survey asked, “Which is more to blame for mass shootings by young men in America — mental health, family problems, school problems, social media or access to firearms?”

The Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 40% of Likely U.S. voters believe mental health is more to blame for mass shootings by young men in America, while 30% blame access to firearms. Ten percent (10%) think family problems are more to blame for mass shootings, while another 10% blame social media. Only four percent (4%) think school problems are more to blame.

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1 thought on “Poll: Plurality of Voters Blame Mental Health Issues for Mass Shootings

  1. Guns will make you crazy.

    And why exactly do we think a survey of everyday folks (with the sample likely biased) will yield some actionable insight on gun violence?

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