Straphanger, 51, is left dazed and covered in blood after being pushed onto the tracks at Grand Central station in New York City in random attack by a one-armed man: Latest act of senseless violence on the Big Apple’s crime-plagued subway

A man was left bloodied after being pushed onto the tracks at Grand Central station in Manhattan Thursday, by a one-armed suspect who is still on the run. 

The incident occurred on the station’s 7 train platform just after 4 pm, police said Thursday, after the suspect got into a physical fight with the 51-year-old victim, who has not been named. 

Thankfully, the victim was able to pull himself up off the tracks before being hit by a train. 

He was not seriously injured but did suffer lacerations to the forehead and cheek during the fall. Cops said he was treated for those injuries on the platform.

Shocking photos show the bloodied victim in a daze as police questioned him following the attack.

The brazen attack at one of the city’s most trafficked stations took place right at the cusp of rush hour – but it did little to hinder straphangers’ commutes.

Police have yet to reveal what spurred the latest brazen attack on the city’s embattle subway system – but they have disclosed that the victim did not know the suspect.

They added that the suspect fled while his victim was still on the track. 

Cops have yet to release any surveillance footage of the attack. An investigation is currently ongoing.

The incident could have been the latest in a string of subway-related deaths in The City That Never Sleeps, which has seen its crime rates burgeon since the start of the pandemic – many taking place in the city’s transit system.

Last week, a man was arrested in Queens after going on a subway slashing spree that saw two stabbed – one in the face – just a day after being released from jail for carrying an illegal knife. 

The suspect, Donny Ubiera, 32, randomly stabbed the commuters in separate incidents on Friday and Saturday, while riding on a Flushing-to-Times Square 7-line subway train.

One of the victims, who were not identified, was stabbed in the face, while the other sustained neck injuries.

Ubiera had just been released from jail on Thursday after being arrested just a day before for allegedly refusing to put a knife away in front of police, who had ordered him to do so. He initially waved the weapon at them and tried to flee with it.

The concerning statistics come on the heels of Mayor Eric Adams’ vow to clean up the crime-ridden subway system, amid a rash of reports of slashings, assaults, and even murder, on platforms and stations across the city.

However, the mayor has struggled to address violence in the city – both on its streets and below them – in the six months since assuming office.

Transit crime has soared since 2021, a year that saw more subway assaults than any other year before – even in the 80s, when the then-crime ridden city was dubbed ‘Fear City.’

And the increase is not a modest one. The year, the NYPD has reported 1,037 crimes on the city transit – nearly 400 more than the 666 seen at the same time last year. That’s a 55.7 percent increase.

Adams, a former police captain who campaigned on a platform of increasing public safety and being tough on crime, is now under pressure to quell the increase – which has seen overall crime in the city jump 38.35 percent from last year.

Felony assaults in New York are up 19.5 percent and robberies are up 40.3 percent. Rapes are also up, by 16.9 percent.

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