Portland’s Walking Dead: Pictures of drug addicts passed out all over Portland show how its decriminalization program has backfired – with officials now proposing Japanese-style ‘coffin homes’ for the destitute

Portland‘s open-air drug market is laid bare as people smoke heroin on the streets and needles litter the sidewalks as city officials start homeless sweeps while a nearby city’s mayoral candidate ‘wants to round them up and use ‘Japanese-style pods’ to house them.

New photos taken by DailyMail.com show the current situation in Portland, a city that has been plagued with homelessness and addicts openly using drugs in broad daylight. Users were seen injecting themselves, slumping over in a semi-comatose state.

Discarded needles, human waste and the smell of urine adds another layer of tarnish to city’s progressive policies – one of them being the Ballot Measure 110 decision, which has decriminalized hard drugs in the Democrat-run state.

Oregon was the first state in the United States to decriminalize possession of personal-use amounts of heroin, methamphetamine, LSD, oxycodone and other drugs after voters approved a ballot measure in 2020 to decriminalize hard drugs.

But drug overdose deaths in the state also hit an all-time high in 2021 with 1069, a 41 percent increase from 2020, Fox News reported. 

Now, Leslie Wright, who is a retired sergeant major in the U.S. Marine Corps and currently a mayoral candidate for the Portland suburb of Oregon City detailed his plan to use vacant schools for homeless shelters like ‘the Japanese people.’

‘Have you ever seen the Japanese people, how they live? They live in these small, compact areas,’ Wright told radio show host Lars Larson. 

‘We’re gonna take each one of those (homeless) people and give them their own little area and give them an address.’

During the Japanese internment in the 1940s, American citizens of Asian descent were rounded up in government compounds – which were crowded, buildings where many of them died.

Wright said that with his plan, homeless people who sheltered in a designated vacant school would have to get eye tests and potentially be sent elsewhere if they have mental health issues. No alcohol would be allowed on the property. 

Wright did not specify what former school building it would be, but added he would get permission from various local and state agencies before enacting the plan.

‘When they first walk in the door, they will be assessed, just as the military does,’ he said.

‘In this community I’m gonna have a job lottery every single day. The community is gonna take care of each other. They’re gonna make sure the yard is clear. They’re gonna make sure the barracks are clean. No drugs, no needles.’

Wright received less than 30 percent of the vote in the March 2021 mayoral election, losing to former Mayor Rachel Lyles Smith. He has no previous experience in ab elected position in Oregon City. In August, Wright will face off in a special election against commission president Denyse McGriff, who has been serving as acting mayor since Smith’s resignation. 

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