Woke California school board members call for people to BOYCOTT Fourth of July because ‘there is no reason to celebrate’

woke California school board member is calling for people to boycott the Fourth of July, claiming ‘there is no reason to celebrate’ America’s Independence Day. 

AnaMarie Avila Farias, a third-generation Contra Costa County resident and member of the county’s board of education, shared a fading blue and white image of the United States flag on June 28, along with the words ‘BOYCOTT 4TH OF JULY,’ on Facebook

‘I haven’t celebrated 4th of July since 2016 and I don’t think it’s a holiday to celebrate’ Farias wrote in a Facebook post. ‘What do you think?’ 

The elected official’s stance on the federal holiday prompted a mixed bag of reactions from people on her private page, some agreeing with her while others were critical. 

‘Why boycott the 4th of July? Without what our forefathers did we as Americans would not have the freedoms that we have today,’ one user wrote. 

Another agreed him with him, only to ask: ‘Why? The holiday celebrates declaring independence from Britain’s tyrant King George III. You wish we were still subjects of Britain?’ 

‘I am not feeling particularly patriotic,’ Avila Farias replied. 

‘I am especially not interested in celebrating a holiday centered around freedom from oppressive government when that freedom is not a reality for so many people in this country. Lastly, last Friday women’s reproductive rights were taken away. We are not in a place of progress or celebration when human rights are being taken away,’ she said.

The woke school board member didn’t stop expressing her opinion there.

Under another comment that suggested she ‘maybe have a funeral and bury the Constitution and the Flag?’ Avila Farias replied: ‘Please invite me!’

The mother-of-two, who is also a member of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County (DPCCC), also shared a blog post from the online-publishing platform, ‘Medium,’ written by Dana P. Saxon – founder of Ancestors Unknown, a ‘curriculum and special programming for schools and youth orgs.’

Her blog post is titled: ‘9 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate the 4th of July.’ In it she writes: ‘After 1776, it took nearly another 100 years before my ancestors technically gained their freedom in 1865. And a whole heap of pain, trauma, and oppression maintained during those years when only white Americans were liberated from someone else’s rule.’

She then went on to cite the three-fifths compromise, the 1787 fugitive slave clause and Frederick Douglass’ 1852 famous speech: ‘What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?’ as reasons not to celebrate the federal holiday. 

Avila Farias has also previously shared pro-abortion, separation between state and church, and pro-gun control posts on her profile in the past. 

However, despite being outspoken, Avila Farias has the right to free speech, another school board member told Fox News

‘It’s her personal Facebook page; she is entitled to say whatever Facebook will allow her to say,’ Mike Maxwell told the news outlet via email. ‘And while I also am disappointed with the recent developments in honoring rights among Americans, I do not agree with her statement.’

‘As long as she is not making the statement on behalf of the Board and County, go for it. But the smart voters will connect who is making that statement,’ he added.

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