No One Is Listening To Rigged January 6 Committee – Politico

From: Finish The Race

The January 6 Committee is an ongoing disaster.

This is mind-blowing considering that the entire corporate news industry has been pumping out the committee’s anti-Trump propaganda 24 hours a day. In addition, the big tech companies are controlling the messaging through their enormous platforms.

Even after several hours of primetime broadcasting, they have not made a dent in former President Donald J. Trump’s popularity. In fact, Trump remains enormously popular within his own party and is expected to be the GOP 2024 nominee.

For example, in an October 2021 poll, 67 percent of Republicans said Donald Trump “should run” for president again in 2024. Today, it is virtually the same at 66 percent.

The committee has made several blunders including trying to pull another Christine Blasey Ford.

“Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s vivid testimony last month to the select House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack was the latest to shake Washington, but much like the panel’s other public hearings,” Morning Consult reports, “it appears to have done little to change Americans’ minds about another presidential bid by Donald Trump, according to a new Morning Consult/Politico survey.”

The unbelievable, third-hand testimony made by Cassidy Hutchinson where she claimed Trump assaulted a Secret Service agent and grabbed the steering wheel of a presidential vehicle to get to the Capitol for the riots, is something so ridiculous that only Kool-aid drinking radicals could believe it.

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