TX Governor Abbott: Biden’s Admin Allowing In Six MILLION Illegals Annually

When former President Donald J. Trump took office on January 20th, 2021, a disastrous invasion of illegal aliens and “migrants” was streaming across the US/Mexico border.

Trump’s administration went to work right away.

Senior advisor, Stephen Miller, made recommendations on executive orders that would stop the flow.  One of them is called, the Remain In Mexico policy.

This policy was an agreement with the Mexican government that the United States, after catching illegals entering from Mexico into the US would send them back across the border to wait at make-shift camps and in border cities, until their individual asylum request court dates came up.

With this barrier in place preventing immediate entry into the interior of the United States, the flow of illegals dropped exponentially.

Following the Biden administration fighting to remove this barrier in the courts, as they want open borders, the US Supreme Court recently overturned President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy for migrants who claim asylum.

TX Governor Greg Abbott says Biden’s Plan to End ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy will be a disaster.

On Sunday Texas Governor Greg Abbott joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

Governor Abbott warned that Biden’s open border strategy will allow 6 million illegal aliens across the border each year.

Maria Bartiromo: How do you expect the Supreme Court’s ruling that Biden can end the ‘Remain in Mexico’ ruling to impact border traffic? And what about Title 42, do you think that’s next after a federal judge put a temporary pause on it back in May?

Texas Governor Abbott:  So this is going to be a total disaster… Let me just give you the numbers provided by the Biden administration. They predicted that after the elimination of these policies we should have about 18 thousand people coming across the border illegally, per day. Extrapolate that for an annual basis and you’re going to have over six million people coming across the border a year. To put this in context the largest city in the state is Houston. We will have about one Houston coming across the border every year.

How much of this can the country take before Democrat policies cause the complete collapse of our civil society?

Via Sunday Morning Futures.

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