DOJ Working On Plea Deal For Hunter Biden

The fix is in… again.

It is being reported that Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is actually working on a plea deal for Hunter Biden’s crimes that, according to evidence found on the infamous laptop from hell, implicates his father, the president of the United States.

That news means that all the criminal activity, including trafficking drugs, paying hookers, lying on a gun permit application, and taking millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries like China, Ukraine, and others by selling the influence of his father’s office while Joe Biden was vice president under President Barack Obama, will never see the inside of a courtroom.

No indictments for any of it. It means any other parties who were involved will never be indicted.

Can you just imagine what would happen if this was Eric Trump or Don Trump Jr instead of Hunter Biden? The Democrats put their entire family through hell for years based on phony allegations against their father, former President Donald Trump.

They would indict either or both sons and would start investigations of the president, but because it’s Joe Biden, the American people get bupkis. Less than bupkis. We get a cover-up.

From the New York Post:

Reports that federal prosecutors are on the verge of wrapping up the Hunter Biden investigation suggest that a “generous” plea deal for the first son is in the works, a former Justice Department official said Thursday.

Lawyer Jim Trusty and other legal experts also discounted the notion that officials may be concerned about bringing charges because of the looming midterm elections, in which Democratic control of the House and Senate are both at stake.

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