Tucker Calls Out Fauci For Trying To Quietly Retire

The 24-hour news cycle includes an immeasurable amount of information.

On top of that, social media platforms including TikTok and YouTube provide endless videos of other users, many of whom expound political and social agendas, influencing their low-educated fans’ opinions.

In the midst of all the noise, Dr. Anthony Fauci is trying to quietly move into retirement right before the GOP takes control of the US House and begins their investigations into the outgoing Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The Republican-led committees are expected to compel Fauchi to testify about the origins of and his policy recommendations concerning COVID-19.

Fauci has been under the microscope for emails published by The Intercept and is frequently challenged by US Senator Dr. Rand Paul (R-KY) during congressional testimony.

During Friday’s, ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight,’ the popular political commentator slammed Fauci for spreading more COVID misinformation, “this is insane”.

“When the COVID pandemic began in early 2020, everyone wanted to be Tony Fauci. We did and had him on the show, actually, and then he started lying in ways so obvious that you could not ignore it, you began asking what is this about? The guy in charge of the COVID response is lying about COVID, why?” Carlson said.

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