House Intelligence Leader Makes Huge Move In Response To Biden Document Scandal.

The revelation of Joe Biden’s classified documents from his time as Vice President was a major story this past week and it appears as if the consequences of his actions may be coming soon…

With the newfound power that Republicans have in the House of Representatives, a leader in the intelligence committee is taking initiative to take action against Joe Biden for his misuse of classified documents.

Republican Representative Mike Turner sent a “damage assessment” request to the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines on Tuesday.

Turner cites in his request that Joe Biden’s classified documents which were at a think tank of the former Vice President were a  “potential violation of laws protecting national security, including the Espionage Act and Presidential Records Act.”

Of course, the story of Joe Biden having personal documents at his own private office are a classic case of him shooting himself in the foot since the President called Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents “irresponsible.”

Get more information on this story HERE >>>


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