Elon Musk Mocks The World Economic Forum (WEF) – “‘Master The Future’ Doesn’t Sound Ominous At All”

The World Economic Forum is hosting its New World Order annual conference this week in Davos, Switzerland.

The proponents of The Great Reset are working with 100’s of the world’s most influential leaders to deconstruct capitalism.

US Globalists, including Paul Ryan, are in attendance:

In addition, 20+ additional political leaders are learning how to advance the Great Reset in the USA.

Twitter, Tesla, and Space X CEO Elon Musk responded to an article titled “Davos Is A Grift And A Cult But It’s Also A Bid For Global Domination”:

“I guess there’s value to having a mixed government & commercial forum of some kind. WEF does kinda give me the willies though, but I’m sure everything is fine”

In addition, the tech mogul asked:

“Master the Future” doesn’t sound ominous at all …”

“How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be the boss of Earth!?”


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