Restore Liberty – Connecting Patriots Nationwide To Restore America

Restore Liberty is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization committed to educating and advocating for the re-adoption of that principle. And advocacy means to engage with local and state leaders to encourage them to endorse the principle and take actions toward that end, when warranted.

 Restore Liberty has begun collecting signatures on the Declaration of Constitutional consent at their website (and would like people to physically mail the declaration to politicians around the country), have set up state-level leadership in over twenty states, and are actively engaging numerous state legislatures, governors, and influential figures in those states. They are also hosting classes on the original intent of the Constitution and working with key data analysts to identify election integrity issues.

It should be clear to conservatives everywhere that there is no fixing Washington or our dismal direction as a country by simply replacing the bums in Washington with other bums. A careful screening and selection of constitutional conservatives committed to action at the grassroots level is what is needed. As Jefferson avowed, states are “the true barriers of our liberty in the country.” Restore Liberty aims to change the entire culture and thought on how to save liberty in this country, using a very old and proven concept to do it.

Will you join and support the cause?

Go to the Declaration of Constitutional Consent page and place your signature among the many who have come forward to declare themselves for the ideals of traditional American Liberty.  

See the petition here.

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