VIDEO – Joe Rogan on Vaccine Passports: “We’re One Step Closer to a Dictatorship, That’s What the F**k Is Happening”

On Friday’s show, Rogan argued against vaccine passports saying they are one step closer to dictatorship.

Joe Rogan: “You are moving one step closer to dictatorship, that’s what the f*ck is happening. That’s what is happening with a vaccine passport, that’s what is happening if they close borders. You can’t enter New York city unless you have your papers. You can’t go here unless you have that. You can’t get on a plane unless you do what I say. And people say, well it’s all about protecting people from the… No, it’s not! Because we’ve shown, this is a fact! Just a couple of months ago the idea of a breakthrough case was unheard of, nobody heard of anybody catching COVID that had a vaccine. That was the whole idea, you get a vaccine, you don’t have to worry about it. Now, we know not only do you get it, but you can spread it, and some people have died.”

Via Kanekoa the Great:

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