‘There is no plan!’ Senator Ben Sasse slams Biden for not having a pathway to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies after the August 31 deadline

  • Senator Ben Sasse said the Biden administration doesn’t have a plan to evacuate Americans s after the troop withdrawal deadline from Afghanistan on August 31 
  • ‘There is clearly no plan. There has been no plan. Their plan has been happy talk’
  • ‘President Biden has been repeatedly disconnected from reality,’ he added
  • National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan assured the Taliban has ‘committed’ to the ‘safe passage’ of Americans and allies past the August 31 deadline

Ben Sasse said President Joe Biden doesn’t have any plan in place to get American citizens and Afghan allies out of Afghanistan after the withdrawal deadline of August 31 passes.

‘The American people have a right to be livid about it,’ the Nebraska Republican senator told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz.

‘There is clearly no plan,’ Sasse blasted the administration. ‘There has been no plan. Their plan has basically been happy talk.’

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