Bo Snerdley Corrects The Record About GOP Victories; ‘That Was The Trump Base That Came Out!”

After the GOP voters showed up in droves to stop the Democrat socialists on Election day, many conservatives said that this was all done “without Trump”.

The Biden-loving “conservative” Meghan McCain even went as far as to say “we can win in 2024 without Trump”.

In response, former Rush Limbaugh producer James Golden aka “Bo Snerdley” set the record straight.

After playing a clip of James Carville lamenting over the heavy Democrat losses, Snerdley said Carville “does have a point”.

“Wokeness is actually putting Democrats to sleep, their electoral chances anyway. Because what you have is a radicalism that can’t be hidden from the American people anymore. And you have today, AOC went on the launch pad that the reason they lost the election was because they were too moderate.

And so she wants more, to which i say, by all means! Please. Go even further to the left. Lose more elections and lets see what happens in 2022,” he said.

“So what is the lesson officially for Democrats and Republicans from last night?” the Fox News host asked.

“Well the lesson for Republicans, they would be taking the wrong lesson away, “I’ve heard some of the pundits say that this is proof that they should distance from Trump. That was the Trump base that came out! Be very clear about that! So the 2nd lesson they should take is to be optimistic.

Be a happy warrior. If you look at what happened in Virginia specifically, very optimistic, very positive thinking. They talked about the promise about Virginia has for children,” Snerdley responded.

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