BOMBSHELL: Marjorie Taylor Greene Details The Torture That January 6th Prisoners Are Suffering Under The Biden

On Friday, GOP House Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted about her visit to the DC jail. What she reported was nothing short of devastating.

During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life. The Biden regime apparently loves punishing their political prisoners. The Georgia rep went on to say that she and her staff are working on a full report to detail the horror that these patriots are suffering through.

“Last night we toured the DC jail. My staff and I are writing a full report this morning on our 3+ hour long tour. I’ve never seen human suffering like I witnessed last night. While some were shown to us in seemingly beneficial programs, others were in tortuous lockdown,” she tweeted.

“Some inmates were receiving continuing education classes, others were truly suffering from long stays in solitary confinement for “bad behavior.” I’ll never forget hearing their screams. This was in a different part of the jail, not the J6 part. Being alone surely is hell,” she added in another tweet.

MTG then said the jail staff tried to block her from seeing the January 6th prisoners, but she made sure she didn’t leave that jail without paying the Patriots a visit.

Look below at the final few tweets of her thread for the rest of the story:

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