Alan Dershowitz Warns – Justice System Is Becoming Infected With CRT

Alan Dershowitz joined John Solomon’s podcast to discuss the radicalization of the American justice system.

Dershowitz warned that the justice system is becoming “much more responsive” to critical race theory.

He added, “basically, everything’s about race.”

Just The News reported:

Alan Dershowitz, the famed law scholar and appellate lawyer, has a stark warning for judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers: America’s justice system is being corrupted by identity politics and critical race theory.

In an interview with Just the News, Dershowitz deplored the growing trend in recent criminal cases toward political agendas supplanting the neutral consideration of evidence and law that has been the lifeblood of U.S. jurisprudence for more than two centuries.

“It’s becoming much more responsive, unfortunately, to critical race theory, basically, everything’s about race,” Dershowitz told the John Solomon Reports podcast in an interview aired this week. “Everything’s about race or politics.

“The justice system has stopped being about is this particular person innocent or guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on the evidence and based on the law. People today are rooting, cheering for verdicts. They want verdicts to reflect their narrative. They want verdicts to prove their way of looking at the world. Trials and justice have ceased to be about individual justice. They’re about identity politics.

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow me on MAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter.

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