Wake Up America – The MEV Is The Midterm Election’s Variant – Dems Need Excuse For Mail-in Voting, Just Say NO!

The left used COVID-19 to illegally override swing states’ election laws which were passed by their respective legislatures.

Dr. Ronnie Jackson who was the physician to the president for U.S. Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and is now a TX Congressman, is sounding the alarm a year out from next year’s mid-terms.

On Saturday Rep. Jackson posted on the latest COVID variant and what this means for Americans — likely mail-in votes again.

Well, it worked for the Democrats a year ago, and if 2022 elections are done primarily via mail-in voting, we should expect millions of uniformed, illegal aliens, dead people ETC, to swing some crucial elections again, allowing the Democrats to keep control of the U.S. Congress.

Just say no America, for Liberty’s sake!

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow me on MAGABOOKTwellit & Twitter.

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