Tyranny – Biden Warns People ‘Peddling Lies’ and ‘Misinformation’ About COVID Vaccines: ‘Stop it. Stop it Now!’

President Biden’s 30-minute tough guy, mumble session on Tuesday was embarrassing for those who love the U.S.A.

It was supposed to be an encouraging speech introducing free COVID testing kits and news about the government adding extra testing locations, to help those who want to take the COVID jabs, do so more easily.

Instead, most of Joe’s rambling included lies, character assassinations against those choosing to pass on the vaccines, calling them unpatriotic and a danger to the nation, and telling those asking questions about the vaccines to Stop It!

President Biden blamed alternative media sources for convincing Americans to refuse the coronavirus vaccines.

“The unvaccinated are responsible for their own choices, but those choices have been fueled by dangerous misinformation on cable tv and social media,” Biden said.

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