WATCH – Fascist Fauci, When Asked If Americans Will Ever Be Able To Fly Again W/O Masks, “I Don’t Think So”

Until the COVID lockdowns and edicts started in the U.S. in 2020, Americans would typically only see people, primarily in Asian nations, walking around wearing the non-effective blue masks in their day-to-day lives. Probably unnoticed by them as all most every aspect of their lives is also controlled by their tyrannical governments.

Dr. Anthonly Fauci, because of his tenure at the NIH, was given the responsibility by former President Trump to lead our nation through 15 days to stop the spread of COVID-19, unfortunately, he is still leading us, 641 days later, and counting.

Well, as we get ready to enter 2022, Fauci recently did the Sunday morning news rounds, still pushing compliance from the American population to take the rushed COVID vaccines and insisting the sheeple keep wearing their masks.

In an appearance on ABC’s This Week, Fauci was questioned about the recent comments earlier in the week by the heads of two major airlines who questioned the need for masks to be worn by passengers while flying.

Despite the science and testimony from the Airline CEOs, Dr. Fauci once again sounded like he worked in a fascist regime.

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