Schools are Now Vaccinating Children without Their Parents’ Consent — Here is the Dirty Trick They are Using to Jab Kids

Schools in blue states are making it clear to parents that they will use every dirty trick at their disposal to vaccinate children — with or without explicit parental consent.

Dr. Aaron Kheriarty, who is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, shred the harrowing news on Twitter.

“LA Unified School District is vaccinating children without parental consent,” Kheriarty said. “They send your kid home with a form, and when the kid comes back to school—whether or not the form is signed—they consider the child’s presence at school ‘consent’.”

“This is a gross abuse and a violation of state law and basic principles of medical ethics, disproportionately impacting ethnic minorities,” he added. “School authorities who are pulling these stunts are now on notice. The public is aware.”

One example the doctor citized comes from the LAUSD. She says that her kid was vaccinated without her consent in exchange for pizza.

“Maribel Duarte says her 13-year-old son, a student at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South LA, brought home a vaccine card after having accepted the COVID-19 vaccine at school,” NBC 4 reported.

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